HONOR Watch Magic, A Watch with Both appearance and Performance

In terms of appearance, it has a light and thin design. Its thickness is only 9.8 mm. The watch uses 316 L cold forged stainless-steel arc ring. There have CNC carved steps, C corners, keys, grooves, etc. We can see character etching process and manual oil filling coloring. The back shell uses high strength bio-based special nylon resin. So, the weight of watch is only 32.5 g.

The front of the watchband is HYBRID watchband made of gravel Italian high-quality natural cowhide. The back is made of rubber watchband. They are stylish and comfortable.

Sports is the strength of this smart watch. In the running mode, HONOR Watch Magic will record important data. Such as heart rate, calories consumed and running mileage in real time. Users can set the upper limit of heart rate warning in APP. If this warning is reached, the smart watch will issue a warning. It can avoid physical discomfort caused by excessive exercise.

We can see the heart rate monitoring. HONOR has adopted a new TruSeen 3.0 heart rate monitoring technology. CDB Center of Harvard Medical School developed it CPC technology. CPC technology itself has passed FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) certification. It is a recognized technology. People promote it in the medical field. The innovative PPG module design help HONOR Watch Magic a lot. It can obtain more accurate heart rate data with lower power consumption. It provides sufficient guarantee for HONOR Watch Magic. The watch can provide real-time heart rate monitoring 24 hours a day.

In addition to sports functions, HONOR Watch Magic is rich in other functions. The innovative Trusleep scientific sleep detection can monitor the sleep quality of users. It analyzes heart rate, with wrist movements. You can get accurate sleep time detection and sleep structure analysis (deep sleep, light sleep, REM, sleep stage identification). The function provides users with sleep quality scores. In addition, Huawei AI technology assists users to solve six typical sleep problems. Difficulty in falling asleep, shallow sleep, easy waking at night, early waking. Dreaminess and irregular work and rest. The technology provides people improvement suggestions to improve sleep quality.

HONOR Watch Magic has a pressure monitoring function. It can calculate the current pressure index for users. The heart rate variability index can reflect stress index. Users can adjust the pressure through breathing training.

Generally speaking, HONOR Watch Magic is in line with the aesthetics of contemporary young people. It has great appearance and 9.8 mm ultra-thin design. It has considerable advantages over the thick fuselage of other similar products.


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