Photoshop CC5 - 7 Photoshop New Features

Photoshop New Features is always welcomed by Adobe users. But, adding new features in Photoshop can be quite troublesome especially if you do not know what to do and what is really needed. In this article, I will discuss the top six new features that have been added in Photoshop CS5 that are very useful for photographers.

Photoshop New Features like the Cloud Document is one of the most sought after Photoshop New Feature. You may have seen the new feature in preview but never tried it out. The new feature provides an easy way for you to organize your documents in a visually pleasing manner. With the help of a few clicks you can create drop down layers in the cloud document that you can manipulate and move to any other location in the document without saving your work in a new location.

Brush Strokes is a useful tool in Adobe Photoshop. So, with the help of brush Strokes you can paint beautiful images and paintings. Photoshop Brush Strokes option can be found in the Adjustment Layer palette in the Basic Photoshop Tools. So, this is an ideal tool that can be added to your Photoshop workflow. You can experiment with different brush strokes until you find the right stroke length for your image editing software. So, you should try out different setting on your Brush Strokes until you find the best one for your photo editing software.

AutoSave feature is another useful tool in Adobe Photoshop. With this feature, your work is saved automatically once you save your file even if you forget to set a time or date stamp on your document. So, if you are working on a big project and want to save your project automatically after finishing all the editing, the AutoSave option in Photoshop New Features: 2021 video course is a great option. This feature helps you in saving your work without losing your precious time.

Another awesome tool in this version of Adobe Photoshop is the Image Masking tool. With the help of this tool you can erase unwanted objects from your image. You can also use it to add effects like overlay, fog and so many things. The new features in Adobe Photoshop CC5 can give you a lot of options to create unique images and design.

The third tool in the new features in Photoshop CC5 Video Training is the Round Rectangle tool. It is useful when you need to create a rounded rectangle for some element in your image. It is also useful to create a square filled with various color. The fourth tool is the gradient tool. With the help of the gradient tool you can easily blend different colors in your image with ease.

The fifth tool in this new features in Adobe Photoshop CC5 Video Training is the new sky replacement tool. You can create beautiful sky effects by adding new sky brushes. If you are unsure about how to go about with this process then you can simply refer to the manual so that you can master it quickly. The sixth tool is the Auto restore tool. By using the auto restore tool you can easily recover from some undesirable event in your image.

The seventh tool in the CC5 Video Training series is the new sky replacement. This tool is very useful especially when you want to change the sky's color. You can simply apply a mask over your sky using the new sky replacement tool and then choose any color of your choice to mask. This is the fastest way of replacing your sky.

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