Shortcodes - How to publish articles on Wordpress?

Wordpress, is one of the most popular content management system (CMS) on the Internet. This success is not only due to its usability, but also to its various features and customization option. Wordpress integrates several features to facilitate the publication of online articles, among which we find the Shortcodes.

Login to the Wordpress Dashboard .

. Click on Posts > Add New.

The interface dedicated to the publication of articles is composed of several fields and several publication options ( text formatting, keywords, categories ).

). This interface is customizable. Click " Screen Options " at the top right to access additional options.

" at the top right to access additional options. You can choose to enable or disable the options of the text input box : Options for the Wordpress theme, SEO plugins, extracts, backlinks, custom fields, authors, categories, keywords and image.

The text editor options located above the text input area is similar to the ones proposed in other text editors (Word, Open Office .... ).

Select the "Text" tab to view the article with html tags.

Shortcodes are codes integrated to the interface of the visual editor. Some shortcodes are natively supported by Wordpress , while others require development through Shortcode API. Since version 2.5, the Wordpress CMS support their native use.

This new feature is a great way to avoid the proliferation of plug-ins on a blog or website. In some cases, plug-ins can cause slowdowns and malfunctions on the CMS.

The shortcodes can replace the plug-ins in many situations:

Adding a Google Map.

Adding a scoreboard.

Adding a contact form.

Adding an image slide show.

Example native shortcode on Wordpress:

[gallery] to display a gallery of images pre-loaded on the CMS

to display a gallery of images pre-loaded on the CMS [Google Apps] to use documents stored from Google Docs.

to use documents stored from Google Docs. [Twitter-timeline] to integrate a Twitter timeline.

Learn more about shortcodes: https://wordpresom/support/shortcodes/

To create a new category, click on "+Add New Category". If the blog integrates a menu with several categories, check that the new category is visible to users.

Fill the field dedicated to the keywords on the right column, separating the words by commas.

These keywords will help in improving the SEO of your blog.

By clicking on the " Publish " button , the item is automatically recorded and made available online.

" button , the item is automatically recorded and made available online. To view it, click on the " View the page ".

". To save an article without publishing it, click on " Save as draft ".

". Click on the "Preview" button to view the article prior to its publication.

The publication interface offers several additional options:

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